1. The goal of the link is to let students connect the existing "knowledge base" with new knowledge and experience, or to stimulate their desire to know more when they are exposed to attractive ideas, so as to achieve the best learning effect for students.
2. In the process of construction, students should build things in the real world and knowledge in their minds. Through communication and planning, students design corresponding solutions and complete the assigned tasks.
3. The role of the reflection stage is to let students spend time thinking about what they have seen or constructed, so as to deepen their understanding of their own experiences, and at the same time discuss and reflect on the solutions and adjust their own ideas. Teachers encourage this process by asking questions.
4. The continuation stage is based on students' desire for more skills, which brings students to a new "contact" stage and allows them to continue to complete the challenge of rising difficulty in a virtuous circle of spiral rise.
The "4C" teaching method is designed by Lego education according to children's knowledge acquisition process and learning effect, and is based on Piaget's constructivism theory.
Piaget believes that children's cognitive development is realized through the continuous construction and transformation of cognitive structure, that is, children actively explore the external world and integrate the new knowledge they explore into the original cognitive structure through assimilation function; The process of changing the original cognitive structure through hue function and forming a new cognitive structure.