Many people go to learn Taobao art for three minutes, so it's best to take a quiz before learning.
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Taobao art designer is the floorboard of beautifying Taobao shop website pages. The peripheral work includes online shop design (graphic design) and P-diagram (image processing), which is a general term for page editing and beautification workers in Taobao shops. Mainly design shop homepage, baby main picture, details page, etc. Website page design, beautification, making online store promotional posters, making product photos into pictures needed in baby description, designing electronic leaflets, etc.
Learning Taobao art can choose Tianhu education, and the teachers are strong. The teacher structure of this school has two characteristics: first, it has excellent design ability, and the teachers of the school are all from major advertising companies or architectural colleges; The second is good teaching ability, which really avoids the dilemma of "doing but not teaching".