Similar to all research projects, the process of educational narrative research begins with an educational phenomenon, which focuses on a hidden educational problem worth exploring. Although the phenomenon of interest in educational narrative research is a "story", the story itself must contain some problems that need to be paid attention to and discussed. When exploring such problems, researchers try to know and understand them.
2。 One or several individuals are purposefully selected as research participants, and through them, we can understand the educational phenomenon to be studied;
Next, researchers need to purposefully find individuals as research participants. Research participants can be one or several typical people who have experienced specific problems, or one or several key people who have experienced specific situations.
3. Collect stories from selected research participants:
The best way to collect stories is through private conversations or interviews, asking research participants to tell their experiences, and collecting text materials that can provide personal stories.
4. Retell the story of the study participants:
This process includes examining the original data, coding the story, reorganizing the story and presenting a retelling story about the experience of the research participants. The theoretical assumption of this process is that the stories told by research participants can be better understood after being organized in a certain logical order.
5. Cooperate with research participants who tell stories:
In the process of educational narrative research, this operation step is closely related to other steps and affects each other. This cooperation may take different forms, such as writing and narrating narrative research reports according to the individual experience stories of research participants in the words of researchers.