A really good education will definitely not be conditional on hurting children. It's time to talk about love and reason. When reason can't handle the problem, think again about using force, but it must be done, that is, children know pain and have feelings. In order to be effective, in the final analysis, the stick should separate reason from rules. Otherwise, in addition to beating the child with resentment and fear, he also implanted the gene of violence, which is to make the child hostile to his parents. These results are the best of both worlds.
On the issue of educating children, I think the most important thing is parents. Parents are children's first teachers and mirrors. There is nothing wrong with what parents and children are like. Make yourself what you want your child to be! "Filial son under the stick" is actually not a way to educate children with a stick, but an auxiliary way to educate children. In fact, it is mainly to set an example. The "stick" here refers to a strict way of education. As long as parents guide their children in the right way, children can become talents without sticks. It is very important to educate children's parents about their own qualities. We don't advocate stick education, but we don't give up the right to use stick education. As long as the education method is correct, every child is a dutiful son. This filial son is broad, not limited to filial piety to parents, but also has useful elements in it.
In a word, basically I don't agree to hit children, but the parents of each family have different talents. Some are good at reasoning education, while others are good at force education. As long as it is conducive to children's growth and development and does not harm children's health and self-esteem, it is a suitable education.