(2) Development is not an isolated and static development due to the function of a certain factor, but a dynamic development process involving many factors;
(3) Children are the main body of development, and they develop actively in the process of interaction between subject and object, rather than passively;
(4) Children have the potential for development, and under the interaction of appropriate education and environment, children's potential may be developed to the maximum extent;
(5) Every child is a unique individual, with different levels and speeds of development and different hobbies, and it is impossible to be unified arbitrarily according to age or class;
(6) Children develop their knowledge, ability and personality through activities, rather than sitting, just listening or watching the teacher say and do;
(7) Children's physical and mental aspects are a whole, and their physical, intellectual, moral and aesthetic education are also interrelated. Children should be given a preliminary and comprehensive development from an early age, and should not only focus on one aspect of development in isolation;
Every child has the right to development and education, and these rights should be respected and taken care of.