1? Tuition and miscellaneous fees are free.
Students in urban and rural compulsory education are free of tuition and miscellaneous fees! The benchmark quota of public funds per student is shared by the central government, provinces, cities and counties, with the ratio of sharing between the central government and local governments being 6: 4. The sharing ratio of local provinces, cities and counties (districts) is 6: 4 in rural areas and 5: 5 in cities.
2? Books are free.
Provide free textbooks for urban and rural compulsory education students and genuine student dictionaries for primary school freshmen! All expenses are fully borne by the central government.
3? subsistence allowance
Subsidize the living expenses of students with financial difficulties in urban and rural compulsory education families! The standard of living allowance for boarders and non-boarders with financial difficulties has been clarified, and the required funds are shared by the central government and cities, counties (cities, districts) in a ratio of 5: 5.
Work hard for the children's future
These benefits are to ensure that every child can enjoy a fair and high-quality education. Thanks to the country's good policies, let's work together for the future of our children!