The second principal: Cai Xiangping. Terminology:1961.3—1962.7.
The third president: Wu. Term:1962.8 ——1968.5.
The fourth headmaster: Cai Xiangping. Term: 1968.6— 1979.8.
The fifth president: Yang Shenglong (acting) Term: 1979.9— 1982.8.
The sixth president: Sun Jilie. Term of office: 1982.9— 1994.4.
Seventh president: Guan Yixin. Term:1994.5 ——1994.8.
Eighth president: Chen yongchui (acting) Term: 1994.9— 1995.8.
Ninth President: Yang Shenglong Term: 1995.9— 1998.8.
Tenth President: Chen Yongcui Term: 1998.9—2004.2.
Eleventh Chairman: Sun's term of office: March 2004-September 2006.
Twelfth president: Wang Xiangfu's term of office: 2006.10-2015.7.
Thirteenth president: Chen's term of office: 20 15.8-