The wolf child phenomenon shows the importance of the environment. Wolf children have been exposed to wolves since childhood, and their language mechanism has not developed, so their intelligence level is low. The environment and education of childhood life greatly influenced the development of human life, which led to the inadaptability of wolf children to human life and eventually died. Man is the product of the combination of heredity and acquired learning, and both are indispensable. For a long time, who is the important influence of heredity and acquired learning on people is the focus of psychological debate. This example just shows that learning the day after tomorrow is very important to people. Man is a gregarious animal, and the social environment has a great influence on him. There is a conceptual situational dynamic theory in social psychology. Environment and behavior background have a subtle and powerful influence on a person's thinking, emotion and behavior.
People live in society, which is the advantage of human beings over animals. Once a person leaves society, it is impossible to become a real person. Environment shapes people. After all, people are members of society. Only in society can people learn the skills of eating, wearing, speaking and living. Without society, people cannot carry out these social lives, because society provides rich material and spiritual conditions for people's development.