In 20 16, the micro-film industry gradually turned to a new form and format of "micro-film+",that is, online big movies, also known as new media movie. Movies released on demand for more than 60 minutes through the Internet platform currently support paid video platforms: iQiyi, PPS, Sohu, LeTV, Youku, Tudou, Tencent, PPTV, Xiangchao Watch, Movie Network, 360 Movie and Television, China Mobile, etc. Microfilm refers to "micro (ultra-short) time" (10-60 minutes) projection, "micro (ultra-short) periodic production (7- 15 days or weeks)" and "full story" specially used on various new media platforms, which is suitable for mobile and short-term leisure viewing. It has all the elements of a movie: time, place, people, theme and story. Compared with the huge investment in movies, short films have lower requirements in shooting equipment, funds, team and process, which is suitable for the practical operation needs of graduates from film major colleges.