Mencius' mother was called Meng Mu. Mencius lived near the cemetery when he was a child. Mencius learned some things like worship and played games to deal with funerals. His mother said, "This place is not suitable for children to live in." So he moved his family to the market, and Mencius learned some knowledge about business and slaughter.
The mother thought again, "This place is still not suitable for children to live in." His family moved to Gong Xue. Mencius learned the etiquette of bowing forward and backward in the imperial court. Meng Mu said, "This is where children live." Settle here. Mencius learned six arts when he grew up and gained the reputation of a great scholar. This gentleman thinks that all this is the result of Meng Mu's gradual enlightenment.
2. Ceng Zi kills pigs
One sunny morning, Ceng Zi's wife finished washing and put on a clean blue cloth, ready to go to the market to buy something. She didn't go far from home, and her son kicked her out from behind in tears, clamoring to follow. The child is not big, and the market is far from home, so it is inconvenient to take him.
So Ceng Zi's wife said to her son, "Go back and wait at home. I'll be back as soon as I finish shopping. Don't you like to eat pig's trotters and pork intestines stew? I'll kill the pig and cook it for you when I come back. " This also works. Hearing this, the son immediately quieted down and watched his mother leave alone.
When Ceng Zi's wife came back from the market, she heard the sound of catching pigs in the yard before she set foot in the house. When she walked in the door, she saw that it was Ceng Zi. She was going to kill the pig and make some delicious food for her son. She hurried forward to stop her husband and said, "There are only a few pigs at home, and they are all killed on holidays. How can you take my words of coaxing children seriously? "
Ceng Zi said, "You can't lie in front of the children. They are young and ignorant, they often learn knowledge and listen to their parents. If we say anything to deceive him now, it is tantamount to teaching him to deceive others in the future. Although the mother can fool the child for a while, she won't believe her when she knows that she has been cheated.
In this way, it is difficult for you to educate your children well. "Ceng Zi's wife felt that her husband's words were very reasonable, so she sincerely helped Ceng Zi kill pigs, remove hair, remove bones and cut meat. Soon, Ceng Zi's wife cooked a sumptuous dinner for her son.
3, mother-in-law tattoo
When Yue Fei was fifteen or sixteen years old, the Jin people from the north invaded the south, and those in power in the Song Dynasty were corrupt and incompetent, and the country was at a critical juncture. Yue Fei joined the army to fight against Liao. Soon after, due to the loss of his father, he retired and returned to his hometown to observe filial piety. 1 126 years, nomads from the central plains invaded on a large scale, and Yue Fei joined the army again. Before leaving, Mrs Yao called Yue Fei to her side and said, "What are your plans now?"
"Go to the front line to kill the enemy and be loyal to the country!" Mrs Yao is satisfied with her son's answer. "Serving the country faithfully" is a mother's hope for her son. She decided to tattoo these four words on her son's back and let him remember them forever. Yue Fei unbuttoned her coat, revealing her thin back and letting her mother take the needle.
Mrs. Yao asked, "Son, acupuncture is very painful. Are you afraid? " Yue Fei said, "Mom, a small steel needle is nothing. If you are afraid of needles, how can you go to the front to fight! "
Mrs Yao wrote on Yue Fei's back first, and then embroidered it with embroidery. But there is nothing in the word "country", which symbolizes that China has no leader. After the stabbing, my mother-in-law drew it in vinegar ink. Since then, the word "loyalty to the country" on Yue Fei's back has never faded.
4. Roosevelt's godson
The son of former American President Roosevelt once traveled to Europe with his classmates. He bought a horse in Europe and wanted to travel by horse and advertise to businessmen. With this in mind, he telegraphed his father and asked for remittance. He said in the telegram that this is a good investment, and he will ride a horse to take risks and make a lot of money for his family.
Roosevelt didn't send money to his son after receiving the telegram. On the contrary, he sent him a telegram saying, "Congratulations" on the profit of your investment. If the investment fails, I suggest you swim back to the United States!
After receiving this humorous and stern telegram, my son quickly changed his original "whimsy", sold his horse and returned to the United States by boat with his companions.
Did Roosevelt have no money? No, then why didn't he send money to his son? Is it because he is stingy? No, he doesn't want his son to form the habit of spending money lavishly.
5. Godson of Li Ka-shing
Li Ka-shing's two sons, Li Zeju and Li Zekai, both graduated from Stanford University with excellent results and wanted to make great achievements in their father's company, but Li Ka-shing decisively refused: "My company doesn't need you! Or go to the country yourself and let practice prove whether you are qualified to work in our company. "
As a result, the two brothers went to Canada, one engaged in real estate development and the other went to an investment bank. They overcame unimaginable difficulties, made companies and banks colorful and became outstanding figures in Canadian business circles. Li Ka-shing's "ruthlessness" pushed children to the road of self-reliance.