The topics of the college entrance examination are not allowed to be disclosed, so our country attaches great importance to these topics, and it is absolutely not allowed to disclose data before the exam. Therefore, we attach great importance to this topic, so the full name of this topic is guarded by professionals to prevent these topics from leaking before the exam, which will have a great impact on our exam. So once it is circulated on the Internet, it is basically false information, because we attach great importance to these topics.
Absolute Fairness It can be said that preventing the test paper from leaking is to ensure absolute fairness, because if the test questions are leaked, it will cause unfairness. Whether they are all the same papers, then others already know the questions in advance, and naturally they can still cheat on the answers, which will lead to unfairness. After all, everyone's efforts for so many years are all for studying so hard today, but you can get high marks by cheating, which will make the exam very worthless and discredit, so no one will believe it afterwards.
Generally speaking, it's good that this thing happened. If we ask whether the reason is true or not, then we will investigate. After all, this is related to the fairness of candidates and the credibility of this exam. If we can't maintain the credibility of this exam, it will lead to a great discount on the gold content of this exam.