Puyu School is a famous history school in Tianjin, located in yixing town, Beichen District. It is a nine-year compulsory education school run by the state. The school was founded on 1930 by the famous educator Mr. Wen.
It was officially put into operation in 2009. Guided by the school-running direction of "accommodating and cultivating outstanding talents", adhering to the school motto of "working hard and seeking truth", we will inherit Zebei University from generation to generation; Strive to achieve "a modern and international school with first-class quality and distinctive features".
Conditions for running a school:
The newly-built Puyu School is located in the original site of the Second Primary School in Yixingbu Town, Beichen District, with a planned land area of 70,244 square meters and a total construction area of 37 1.30 square meters. The main buildings are the primary school teaching office and experimental area 17787 square meters, and the middle school teaching office and experimental area 12698 square meters.
And support the construction of a 400-meter plastic lawn sports ground. The school is a nine-year compulsory school with 24 classes in junior middle school and 36 classes in primary school, which can accommodate 2820 students.
Refer to the above? Baidu encyclopedia-Tianjin puyu school