The self-study exam means that it is difficult for candidates to find the college where the examiner is located, register, download the exam scope and subjects, and review the exam at home. At present, there are many exam-assisting schools, that is, in addition to candidates and the third party of the examiner's college, teachers are hired from the examiner's college to give classes to self-taught students to help candidates better understand the exam content and, of course, exam skills. And do a good job in exam planning for candidates, so that candidates can get their academic qualifications and degrees as soon as possible.
To put it simply: For example, if you are a self-taught candidate and want to take the undergraduate course of administration of Fudan University, it will definitely be difficult to take the exam yourself, so you should apply to a student-aided unit (Shanghai is famous for its independent education and new world). . . Pay a training fee to the aid unit, and then take classes and exams according to the schedule of the aid unit, so you can get your education more easily.