How many students are there in Parsons?
Parsons currently enrolls nearly 5,000 undergraduate and graduate students every year, and another 2,000 students participate in Parsons continuing education program to study individual courses every year. At the same time, more than 2,000 children and teenagers will attend weekend courses and summer preparatory courses. The average class size is 15.
2. How many employees and teachers are teaching in Parsons?
Parsons has 125 full-time employees and 1000 part-time employees. Most teachers are artists and designers working in new york, which can give students a unique educational vision.
3. Is Parsons College an accredited college?
Parsons School of Design is fully recognized by the Higher Education Committee-Central College and University Alliance, and its credits and degrees are recognized and accepted by other recognized colleges, universities and professional schools in the United States. The new college is a privately supported institution chartered by the New York State Board of Directors.
Parsons is also a certified member of the American Association of Art and Design Colleges (NASAD). Parsons' Master of Architecture program has been certified by NAAB (National Association of Architectural Accreditation), and Parsons is a member of the American Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design.
4. What is the graduation rate of Parsons School of Design?
Although it fluctuates every day, on average, 90% freshmen can finish their studies and get their degrees within six years.
5. Are there many students from other countries?
The proportion of international students is about 38%, with China, Indians, Koreans, Canadians and Mexicans being the most representative.
6. What is the study load of typical students?
Parsons' degree program is very academically challenging. Undergraduate and master students need to register for 16- 18 credits on average, or take 6 courses each semester. Most students have 20-30 students a week and need the same amount of time to prepare. All courses need normal attendance and participation, especially the workshop critical seminar and critical learning seminar, which require students to think deeply, discuss fully and invest a lot.
7. What was the first school year like?
Starting from the fall of 20 13, all BFA freshmen will share a common course. BBA (Associate Degree) students also have the same set of courses, but their degree requirements have special requirements. They will study many compulsory courses with BFA students.
8. When should I choose my major?
Students can choose their own major in the second semester, and academic consultants also provide valuable guidance.
9. Can I go to Parsons for a double degree?
The study of each major is very strict, and students usually study only one major full-time. Students who are interested in specific media, such as animation, can minor in it. Students can also apply for the 5-year joint double degree of Parsons and Eugene Lang.