Deep knowledge
Excellent teachers are not only satisfied with the knowledge of their own subjects, they keep learning, pursue Excellence and become the leaders of their subjects.
Exquisite teaching skills
Excellent teachers delve into classroom teaching methods, read widely, attend lectures and evaluate classes, and apply what they have learned to daily teaching, so that every class is full of charm.
Psychological wisdom
Understanding students' psychology is a compulsory course for every teacher. Excellent teachers combine theory with practice, guide students with psychological wisdom, and make education more deeply rooted in people's hearts.
Learn from excellent predecessors
Excellent teachers respect and learn from the experience of old teachers, but they don't forget to think critically, take the essence and discard the dross, and form their own teaching style.
Sense of humor and principles
Excellent teachers light up the classroom with a sense of humor, so that students like you and admire you. But humor is not unprincipled. Stick to the bottom line and let students understand the importance of rules.
Create an excellent image
Excellent teachers' appearance, language, behavior and teaching image are the four pillars of teachers' charm. Educators in the new era should set an example and show their style.