2. Seek local employment: provide training sponsorship and employment opportunities for local students through various funding schemes provided by SSG.
3. Helping overseas employment: Costar Education Group, a subsidiary of Zhiyuan, has more than 120 kindergartens and nurseries around the world. Through the regional business of Costar Education Group, our graduates will have the opportunity to find jobs outside Singapore.
Tuition assistance
SDF sponsorship allowance is only applicable to corporate sponsorship applications.
SSG/WSG 70%-90% subsidy
Singapore citizen/permanent resident allowance
Employment training plan [WTS]95% subsidy
Applicable to Singapore citizens aged 35 or above with a monthly income of $2,000 or less.
90% subsidy for on-the-job training of new skills (MCES)
Singapore citizens (aged 40 or above) will receive 90% tuition subsidy for MCES skills training.