Master Ji Qun replied:
Buddhism is people-oriented. Buddha said that forty-nine years was based on his concern for real life. What role can Buddhism play today? In fact, as long as the Sambo still lives in the world and the temples still exist, even if we can't do some concrete work for the society for the time being, we can at least provide a spiritual home for the public. We are very busy outside, so it is necessary to have a chance to relax in the temple and let our own experience rest and adjust.
The disparity between the rich and the poor in modern society makes many people unable to guarantee their basic survival. How to distribute social wealth reasonably? How to make those rich people as merciful as buddhas and bodhisattvas? It is still difficult to perform these duties entirely through government forces. And religious groups have unique advantages in this respect. Monks and nuns are single, have no family drag, do not have to rush about for personal needs, and can be more involved in charity. For example, the Tzu Chi Meritorious Society, founded by Taiwan Province Yan Zheng, has more than 4 million members all over the world and has done a lot of work in disaster relief and medical development.
Buddhism also plays an irreplaceable role in the reconstruction of social morality. The culture of any nation is inseparable from religious connotation, and morality is based on religion. Because religion is awesome, emphasizing the concept of cause and effect can effectively restrain our behavior. Otherwise, people will commit crimes with luck and make society lose its basic constraints. Although the law can solve some problems, it also depends on factors such as law enforcement. Even if the law can bring criminals to justice, the damage has already constituted. The function of religious moral education is to nip in the bud and solve problems fundamentally.
In addition, Buddhism has rich guidance on mental health, environmental protection, family feelings and other issues. For a long time, I have also been engaged in the promotion of life Buddhism, and have given many related lectures in various places, including the pain of life and its relief, the Buddhist concept of wealth, and the environmental protection of the soul. In my opinion, Buddhism has unique solutions to many problems existing in society, which is of positive significance to improving people's hearts in society.