1. Teach children to share.
Every child has something he likes. Children should be taught to share their favorite toys with children. Only when children share their favorite toys with other children can they experience the fun and happiness of sharing. If a child is willing to actively share his favorite toys, then he must be a generous child who others are willing to approach, and also a child who is liked and respected by children. It is also important for children to develop the habit of sharing since childhood, and those who are willing to share will get more help and sharing.
2. Let children establish a correct outlook on life.
This is not your own business. You can't move it? ,? You can't take other people's things without their permission? These are the truths that everyone must know from an early age. Some parents only know how to scold or beat and scold when they see their children robbing other people's toys. This is not the right way to deal with it, and it will also make children's rebellious psychology and possessiveness more prominent. Because children don't know these truths, don't know what is their own and what is others', and don't know why others can't play. Don't rob other people's toys for the time being after yelling or hitting people, but such problems will occur in the future, so it is very important for children to know that they can't take things that don't belong to them. Let children know that playing with other people's toys requires asking for other people's opinions and getting their consent. This is a child's habit and a child's future behavior.
Although playing is a child's nature, children are not the interface of some bad habits. If children are not properly educated and guided, these problems will eventually destroy them.