Kong Guang, born in Qufu, Shandong Province. The fourteenth grandson of Confucius, the son of Confucius, and the great teacher of the Western Han Dynasty. Kong Guang was smart and eager to learn since he was a child. Before the age of 20, Kong Guang was chosen as Yi Lang. He started his political career very early.
Later, he was elected as the founder and entered the court as a consultant doctor. Because Kong Guang was strong-willed and dared to make suggestions, the Emperor of the Han and Yuan Dynasties didn't like it very much, so he exiled Kong Guang to other places, acting like an exile.
In desperation, Kong Guang chose to resign and go home and began to teach his disciples. The students taught by Kong Guang later became doctors and doctors in the Han Dynasty, which shows the superb level of Kong Guang's teaching.
After Emperor Gaozu succeeded to the throne, Kong Guang was elected as a doctor and investigated cases everywhere. Thanks to his fruitful work, Kong Guang was promoted to be a minister of history and an ancient scholar. In 7 BC, he worshipped the general and became the ruling center of the Han Dynasty. Be named Boshan Hou. However, things are not smooth sailing. The truth of Kong Guang made Empress Fu feel very disgusted and was exiled.
In the second year BC, after the death of Empress Fu, Kong Guang was reactivated by Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty and became the prime minister again. But in the end, due to the unsatisfactory implementation of political affairs, Kong Guang resigned and returned to his hometown again. Officially withdrew from the political arena. On April 28th, 5th BC, Kong Guang died at home at the age of 70. In recognition of Kong Guang's political achievements, the court ordered the admonisher to keep his virginity and protect his funeral. Guan Bai also mourned for Kong Guang. Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty called Kong Guang and posthumous title "Park Meng".
Through Kong Guang's brief introduction, we can see his ups and downs as an official. He has been demoted and put into use many times, from which we can see that his official integrity is noble.