school education
School education is the first way of education we accept, which has laid a solid knowledge foundation for us. At school, we can get in touch with all kinds of subjects and learn all kinds of knowledge and skills.
Multimedia education
Multimedia education is an educational method that allows us to obtain information anytime and anywhere through various media and broaden our horizons. Through TV, Internet and other media, we can learn about cultures, customs and knowledge around the world.
Interpersonal education
Interpersonal education is the connection between people. In our work and life, we transmit information and experience through demonstration, imitation and exchange, and form the influence of thought and culture. We can learn a lot of practical skills and knowledge in interpersonal communication.
Self-education is an educational way to continuously improve personal quality through self-study and reflection. In self-education, we can freely choose the content and way of learning, and constantly improve our ability and quality.