"Top Floor 2" is a season drama series premiered by South Korean SBS TV station on February 19, 20265438. The film is directed by Zhu, written by Jin and starring Liu Zhen. Synopsis: In order to protect my children, I have to be a bad girl and tell a suspenseful revenge story about housing prices and education with an unsatisfied twisted desire.
The play tells the story of a wealthy family who resorted to all means to raise their children to be famous in a top-level apartment (named "Hera Palace") with a height of 100 storey, which was occupied by the upper class in South Korea, accompanied by revenge, disloyalty and money trading.
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Creative background: The theme of the play is "upper class", which discusses two controversial topics in Korea: "education" and "real estate". Both the hero and heroine are set as "the top figures in the upper class".
Shooting process: February 4, 2020, 65438+65438, the drama revealed that the drama is preparing for the second and third seasons, each episode of 12, and it is planned to be broadcast in the first half of 2002/kloc-0. On the 28th, the drama party said that filming began in the second season and script learning 13 ended. It is planned to change the scheduled date from "Moon Fire" drama on Monday and Tuesday to "Golden Land" drama on Friday and Saturday.
Baidu encyclopedia-top floor
Baidu encyclopedia-top floor 2