Reasonable guidance
For unreasonable demands, I made him pretend to cry and told him it was to protect his safety because his mother loved him.
If adults break their promises, they will only threaten violence or compromise blindly, and children will not take you seriously.
keep one's words
The most important thing is that adults must keep their word and say that they don't have to do what they promised, so as to leave such a mark in his heart: I will be punished if I make such a mistake again, and I will be rewarded if I do it right.
Punishment and reward
When he makes a mistake, take him away from his favorite toy or room immediately, or forbid him to look at Teletubbies and let him say he's sorry. He has to clean up the toys on the floor of the room himself to get what he wants.
Appropriate labor distribution
Grandma was afraid that he would cry and vomit, so she tried to follow him. I was busy at work, and it was not good to tell my mother-in-law too much about educating children. I can only blame him for a limited time.