The purpose of general education in Hong Kong
Give students the opportunity to:
A: Deepen social awareness, national awareness, world awareness and environmental awareness, and cultivate positive values.
B: Broaden students' knowledge base and perspective on things.
C: Linking knowledge of different disciplines and improving critical thinking ability (linking skills &; Critical thinking)
Characteristics of general education
General education requires students to explore topics related to human situations in different situations, so as to help students understand the current situation of the world and its diversified characteristics. The undergraduate course aims to help students connect with various subjects and learn different topics from different angles in the learning process. So as to construct personal knowledge directly related to the world they live in. The uniqueness of undergraduate course lies in cultivating students' autonomous learning ability and interdisciplinary thinking ability. The Ministry of General Education helps to realize the objectives of senior high school curriculum proposed in "Reforming the academic system of senior high schools and higher education-investing in the future" (Education and Manpower Bureau, 2004, p. 8), with special emphasis on cultivating students:
:: Have a broad knowledge base and understand current issues that affect the daily life of individuals, society, countries or the world;
* Become an informed and responsible citizen, identify with national identity and have a world vision;
* Respect multiculturalism and viewpoints, and become a person who can criticize, reflect and think independently;
* Master the information technology and other skills needed for lifelong learning.
Research scope
Six categories of general education
* Personal growth and interpersonal relationships
* Hong Kong Today
* Modern China.
:: Globalization
:: Public health
:: Energy technology and environment