Watch it twice.
Needless to say, passive suggestions.
Take it easy, don't be poor. This is a rhetorical question.
The whole sentence means: "barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes."
The original text was hit by Tian Zifang and fell off the bus. Zi Fang does not reciprocate. The son got angry and said to his son, "Are rich people proud?" Are the poor proud? Zi Fang said, "People who are also poor and humble are proud of their ears, but do rich people dare to be proud? "A proud monarch lost his country, and a proud doctor lost his home. People who have lost their country have never heard of people who are kind to their country, and people who have lost their homes have never heard of people who are kind to their country. Those who are poor and humble, if they don't say it, they will take their shoes to hit their ears, and they are not poor! " The child then apologized.
Wei Ji's son Wei Ji went out and met Tian Zifang on the way, so he got off and saluted. Tian Zifang didn't reciprocate. Wei was furious and said to Tian Zifang, "Is the rich proud or the poor proud?" Tian Zifang replied: "The poor should be proud, how can the rich be proud!" A proud gentleman will lose his country, while a proud doctor will lose his family. People who lose their country and their homes also lose their original status and treatment. The poor scholar, whose advice is not adopted, whose behavior does not meet the requirements, puts on his shoes and leaves, is not as poor anywhere! Wei Ji apologized to him.