Students and their legal guardians only have a set of independent property houses, which are determined by the school district according to the address of the house property certificate.
If students and their legal guardians have multiple sets of independent property houses, they can choose the address of one set to determine the school district.
If students and their legal guardians have both independent property houses and shared property houses, the school district shall be determined by the address of the property right certificate of the independent property house.
Students and their legal guardians do not have independent property houses, but only shared property houses, which are determined by the school district according to the address of the real estate license of the shared property house. If there are multiple sets of houses with common property rights, in principle, the schools in the school district shall be determined according to the address of the house property right certificate with the largest proportion occupied by students and their legal guardians. If students and their legal guardians enjoy the same proportion of property rights in multiple sets of shared property rights houses, they can choose the address of one set of property rights houses to determine the school district school. If the proportion of property rights is not specified, the proportion of property rights shall be determined according to the equal share of property owners on the property rights certificate.
Students live in a new house, but the real estate license is not done well for some reason. They can show relevant supporting materials and determine the school district according to the address of the new house. If there are other houses with real estate licenses besides the newly purchased houses, the school district and school shall be determined by the address of the real estate license of the property house.