Is Ruiyun Primary School affiliated to Teachers College public?
Yes According to relevant data, the primary schools attached to teachers' colleges are public. The school is located at No.669 Longquan Road, Hongyun Street, Wuhua District, Kunming. The primary school affiliated to Kunming Normal University is affiliated to Kunming Education Bureau, which is a fully funded institution of the government. Established on 1905. The school has two campuses, one is located at No.669 Longquan Road, Beishi District, Kunming, and the other is located in Yueyatang Community of the municipal government. The school covers a total area of 29 mu, with a building area of 13387 square meters and a greening rate of 40%. The school has high-standard modern teaching facilities, which can meet the needs of modern education and teaching in various disciplines.