? Some teachers broke the law and faced punishment afterwards. He found his parents who were officials in the province. Parents call the director of education and ask if they can criticize education. Don't make things stiff. As expected, the teacher was only "criticized and educated" and was not fired or demoted; There is also an economic crime in the school, and it is also a person who has found "all aspects". In the end, the big things turned into small things, and the parties only sentenced them to probation; Later, when enrolling students, the children's "all aspects" scores were not enough, requiring the school to take care of them. The school promised one by one and dared not make mistakes. Things like this are not uncommon.
? In a civilized country, if parents give their children a teacher gift, it will be considered insulting and rude; Parents treat teachers for their children's study, which is contempt for teachers. These parents and teachers should have gone to jail a long time ago. Bad social atmosphere is quietly destroying a generation of teachers and widening the gap between us and civilized countries in education. I advise you not to challenge the law, which will affect your children's education. Law-abiding, worthy of being a citizen of a civilized country.
In the report "Education Process" (1960), which started the education reform in the United States, Bruner spent a long time dis