Praise and encouragement
Use praise and encouragement more and more appropriately; Strengthen the daily management of children.
♀? Conventional management
Strengthen the routine management of children, don't condone their bad behavior, and stop it in time and skillfully.
Preparation before class
Make full preparations before class: grasp the age characteristics of children and be familiar with teaching materials and teaching plans; Familiar with teaching materials and teaching plans, master the important and difficult points of teaching, and fully prepare teaching tools; Fully prepare teaching tools and make practical teaching AIDS.
Life-oriented teaching content
Selection of teaching content: Life-oriented teaching theme can stimulate children's enthusiasm and initiative to participate in activities.
Formulation of educational goals
The formulation of educational goals: the formulation of goals should make children jump up and pick fruits. You can touch it too shallow to jump, and the child is not interested. If you can't touch the jump, the child will not be too interested, or the interest will not last long.