The equation is as follows:
y? =? Answer? *? F(K,? l,? h,? n)
These include:
Y stands for gross national product (GDP);
A stands for total factor productivity (TFP);
K stands for physical capital stock;
L represents the number of people employed in the labor force;
H stands for human capital (including education, skills, etc. );
N stands for the quantity of natural resources.
F(K,? l,? h,? N) stands for production function and measures the relationship between the efficiency of production factors and output.
The core idea of Solow's growth accounting equation is that economic growth can be achieved by increasing production factors (material capital, labor force, human capital and natural resources) or improving production efficiency (total factor productivity). This equation can help economists to decompose the sources of economic growth, so as to better understand the essence of economic growth and provide guidance for formulating economic policies.