Building modules, in architectural design, in order to realize the industrial mass production of buildings, make building components and components with different materials, different forms and different manufacturing methods have certain universality and interchangeability, and uniformly select value-added units to coordinate the construction scale. Building modulus refers to the selected size unit, as a value-added unit in scale coordination, and it is also the basis for scale coordination of departments such as architectural design, construction, building materials and products, building equipment and building assembly. Its purpose is to make the installation of components consistent and interchangeable. In China's architectural design and construction, we must follow the Unified Standard for Coordination of Building Modules (GBJ2-86).
1. basic modulus: the value of basic modulus is specified as l00mm, and the symbol is m, that is, 1M is equal to l00mm. The modulus of the whole building or a part of it and the building components shall be a multiple of the basic modulus.
2. Expansion modulus: refers to the integral multiple of the basic modulus. The cardinal number of expansion modulus shall meet the following requirements:
1) The horizontal telescopic modules are 3M, 6M, 12M, 15M, 30M and 60M, and the corresponding dimensions are 300mm, 6000m, 1200mm, 1500mm, 3000mm and 60000mm respectively.
2) The vertical expansion modulus bases are 3M and 6M, and the corresponding dimensions are 300mm and 600mm.
3. Fractional modulus: refers to the value of integer divided by basic modulus. The cardinality of fractional modulus is M/ 10, M/5, M/2, and the corresponding dimensions are 10mm, 20mm and 50 mm. ..
4. Modulus series: refers to a series of sizes extended on the basis of basic module, extended module and sub-module (the amplitude and application scope of the module series are as follows).
1) The range of horizontal basic modulus series is (1 ~ 20) m ... It is mainly suitable for the cross-sectional dimensions of doors, windows and components.
2) The vertical basic modulus ranges from (1~ 36) m. It is mainly suitable for the height of buildings, doors and windows, openings and components.
3) Amplitude of horizontal expansion mode sequence: 3M is (3 ~ 75) m; 6M is (6 ~ 96) m; 12M is (12 ~120) m; 15M is (15 ~120) m; 30M is (30 ~ 360) m; 60M is (60~360)M, and the range is not limited if necessary. It is mainly applicable to the width or column spacing, depth or span, component size and size of the hole of doors and windows of buildings.
4) The amplitude of the vertically expanded module sequence is not limited. It is mainly suitable for the height, height and size of doors and windows in buildings.
5) Dividing the amplitude of module sequence. M/ 10 is (110 ~ 2) m, and M/5 is (1/5 ~ 4) m; M/2 is (1/2 ~ 10) m, which is mainly suitable for gaps, structural joints and sectional dimensions of members.