Numbers greater than 0 are called positive numbers, and 0 is not a positive number; Numbers less than 0 are called negative numbers, negative numbers and positive numbers represent quantities with opposite meanings, and 0 is not a negative number.
0 is an integer between-1 and 1. Is the smallest natural number and also a rational number. 0 is the dividing point between positive and negative numbers. 0 has no reciprocal, the reciprocal of 0 is 0, the absolute value of 0 is 0, the square root of 0 is 0, the cube root of 0 is 0, 0 times any number equals 0, and the power of 0 of any number except 0 equals 1. 0 cannot appear as a denominator, and all multiples of 0 are 0. 0 cannot be used as a divisor.