The atom was afraid of Kuang, saying, "If there is no king of literature, what is literature?" The day will be lost, and the deceased will not be with Sven; If the sky does not fall, what will the people do? "
Vernacular Confucius was trapped in Kuang Di. He said, "Isn't the orthodox context with me after Zhou Wenwang's death?" ? If god really wants to give up the Tao, I won't learn; What can Kuang people do to me if God doesn't dislike the Four Ways? "
Thinking 6: What kind of life ambition do I want to have? Why?
"If the sky doesn't die, what's the matter with Kuang people?" If God wants to keep this cultural orthodoxy, what can the Kuang people do to me? Confucius couldn't control the Kuang people, and God didn't send heavenly soldiers and generals to rescue Confucius as in The Journey to the West. Confucius said that what Kuang people can do to me is not to shake his confidence and determination to inherit cultural orthodoxy, but to show his fearless spirit. People are interactive, and Confucius' powerful psychological power is enough to appease the anger and hatred of Kuang people. Confucius and his disciples sang in harmony, which was the negative emotion of the silent army sweeping the scene. Man's spiritual strength is infinite, just like Wen Tianxiang's spirit of sacrificing his life for righteousness, which has crossed time and space and influenced dozens of generations, and Confucius' firm belief of "loyalty and bosom friend" also has infinite strength.
The aspirations mentioned by Confucianism are all in harmony with Tao, embodying benevolence and being praised by sages. Wang Yangming, a great scholar in Ming Dynasty, once wrote "The Doctrine of Dragon Field Indication" to students. Among them, students are taught four things: first, determination, second, diligence, third, transformation, and fourth, responsibility for goodness. He believes that determination is the first element of learning. Learning from your husband does not precede determination. Ambition is of great significance to life. Wang Yangming also said: "There is nothing in the world and there is no ambition. Although you have many skills, no one does not rely on it. " If there is no ambition in life, there will be no success in the world. Even all kinds of crafts can only be learned by ambition. In Wang Yangming's view, everyone has the possibility of success, but if there is no ambition, people will abandon their original intentions, do not strive for progress, have fun, and finally achieve nothing. Therefore, when he was a teenager, he established his life ambition of inheriting the sage's way, and persisted in it all his life. Even when he encountered various hardships such as demotion, distribution and killing, his understanding of the sage's way became the support of his life. Finally, he realized it in Longchang, and achieved a wonderful life of "establishing morality, making meritorious deeds and making statements", bringing peace to the country, bringing peace to the people and inheriting the sage's way for future generations.
When we haven't established the purpose of life, life is wandering and there is nowhere to live. The spirit and pulse are very weak, and it is easy to fall down when something happens, let alone affect the people around you. We should learn from Confucius, establish the purpose and goal of life as soon as possible, and strive to become saints and saints. No matter what difficulties or problems you encounter, you can be as fearless as Confucius and get happiness in life.
From now on, we should be determined to take root in the classics, learn the classics, inherit the classics, light up our life sails with the classics, and grasp our life steering wheel with the classics! As Zhang Zai, a great scholar in the Song Dynasty, said, "Make a heart for heaven and earth, make a life for the people, link the past with the future, and be peaceful for all generations." I want benevolence, I am benevolent; Sincerely ask for it, although it is not far away!
What does it matter to me to inherit the way of sages?
In the era of knowledge explosion, we have a lot of scientific knowledge to learn and a lot of diplomas to get, but the most fundamental life education can never be ignored. Pay attention to your heart and care for your life, starting with sage education.
Confucius inherited the way of sages and set an example for later scholars. Throughout the ages, many sages, philosophers and Confucian scholars have taken the world as their responsibility and created brilliant lives. As post-scholars, we have the responsibility and obligation to learn from the sages, undertake the great responsibility of inheriting the way of the sages, do our best, forget all about eating and sleeping, take responsibility for ourselves and benefit the world.