1, commodity is the result of sales labor, the product of the development of human social productive forces to a certain historical stage, and the product of exchange labor. Commodities are first and foremost personal items. However, these private goods are not produced for their own consumption, but for others' consumption, that is, social consumption, in order to become commodities. In other words, they enter social consumption through exchange. In accounting, commodities refer to all kinds of commodities purchased or processed, accepted, stored and sold by commodity circulation enterprises. The compulsory political book of People's Education Edition defines it as the product of labor exchange.
2. The basic attributes of commodities are value and use value. Value is the essential attribute of commodities, and use value is the natural attribute of commodities. The use value of commodities is the practicality that commodities can meet people's needs. Different commodities have different use values, which are determined by the natural attributes of the commodities themselves. The same commodity has many natural features, so it has many uses. The use value of commodities is necessary to maintain human survival and reproduction, social survival and development. So no matter what the social form of wealth is, this is right. The use of value is always the material content of wealth.
3. Purchase price, that is, the purchase price usually refers to the purchase price including tax. The factors that determine the purchase price include the quality and negotiation ability of buyers and sellers, the strength of buyers and sellers, the relationship between supply and demand, payment terms, other trading conditions and requirements, regional marketing strategies of suppliers, profitability of suppliers, market positioning or purchase quantity of buyers, raw material prices, exchange rates, etc.