In addition to compensating you for the above expenses, the other party should also compensate you for your business income according to the standards of your same industry. Specifically, you can estimate your previous annual output value according to local standards and multiply it by 17, because this is your actual loss.
Green ceremony
In the green light children's education, children will receive professional teaching services, learn knowledge and skills, and get an exclusive graduation ceremony. Teachers will work together to prepare an open class for the children, and invite parents to watch the children's growth report under the green light.
The teaching facilities are complete, the teaching process is clear, the teaching progress is unified, the teaching experience is interactive, the teaching concept is advanced, the teaching results are rich, the teaching modes are diverse, and the teaching and research support is solid.
Yunnan Green Light Education Investment Co., Ltd. was established on May 26th, 20th14th. The business scope of the legal representative Yang Li Company includes investment and education projects.
Without the approval of the relevant departments, educational information consultation shall not publicly raise funds, shall not publicly conduct trading activities of securities products and financial derivatives, and shall not issue loans or provide guarantees to enterprises other than the invested enterprises.
Shanghai Green Light Education and Training Co., Ltd. was incorporated in Baoshan District Market Supervision Administration on March, 2003. The business scope of Yu Jixiang, the legal representative, includes educational software development, organization and planning of educational and cultural exchange activities, etc.