Imitation thinking
Children learn mainly through imitation. Their imitation ability is very strong, but it is only pure imitation.
One-way thinking
If a parent teaches a child 1+ 1 = 2, don't assume that he already knows 2- 1 = 1, because he will only push from left to right, not from right to left. Children will not make good use of calculation to solve problems, but will only use their only intuitive experience. When educating young children, we can't take it for granted that they can do some reverse thinking by themselves.
imaginal thinking
When teaching children simple operations, you need to use physical objects, such as a pencil plus a pencil equals two pencils; One apple plus one apple equals two apples, so he knows the truth of 1+ 1 = 2. After the accumulation of image thinking, he can extract abstract digital concepts from one object after another.
basic concept
Children can only understand and use primary concepts and their relationships. These basic concepts are acquired by learners from concrete practical experience. Children can't think reversibly, master what conservation is, and perform real logical operations.