1, modernization of educational content
The modernization of education mainly includes the modernization of educational concepts, educational contents, educational conditions, educational management and educators (that is, teachers).
2. Modernization of educational concepts
Educational idea is a very important link in educational modernization, which will directly affect educational content and management, as well as specific educators. The educational idea is a renewal iteration in thinking, and it is actually a kind of educational knowledge.
3. Modernization of educational content
Educational content mainly refers to the knowledge and skills that educators impart or let the educated learn. The content of education has also evolved with the development of the times.
4. Modernization of educational conditions
Educational conditions mainly refer to educational media, educational places and educational equipment. The modernization of education inevitably requires the modernization of educational conditions, otherwise many educational contents and daily teaching will be difficult to carry out normally.
5. Modernization of education management
The modernization of education also requires the modernization of educational management level, which should adapt to the development of educational modernization, otherwise it will affect the modernization of educational content and educators.
6. Modernization of educators
The modernization of educators mainly refers to the modernization of educators, such as the modernization of educational concepts, educational contents and educational methods.