1. What are the characteristics of atrial fibrillation? 1, secondary atrial fibrillation. If it is secondary atrial fibrillation, it is generally characterized by shortness of breath, palpitation and precordial discomfort. Usually, the duration of the attack is different. Some times are very short, only a few seconds, but they may also occur frequently, but the attack time can last for days or weeks.
2. Persistent atrial fibrillation. Persistent atrial fibrillation is usually characterized by palpitation and shortness of breath, especially after the patient's activity, the heart rate will be significantly accelerated, because this is mainly related to the ventricular rate. When patients with atrial fibrillation have no contractility, the hemodynamics is disordered, and abdominal wall thrombosis and pulmonary circulation embolism are easy to occur.
Second, how should atrial fibrillation be alleviated? If patients with atrial fibrillation are advised not to do a lot of exercise in daily life, they should do some slow exercise such as Tai Ji Chuan or walking, or do some light physical activities. In addition, we should pay attention to avoid emotional excitement. Taking patients with acute atrial fibrillation as an example, mild patients should take proper rest and activities according to their original heart condition and their own physical condition. In addition, we should pay attention to diet and health care, eat more foods with high vitamin or protein content, such as fish, shrimp, lean meat, milk, eggs, etc., eat more fruits and vegetables, and of course, fresh ones, such as tomatoes, apples, bananas, Chinese cabbage, etc., and stay away from alcohol and tobacco, and avoid spicy food. If the patient's heart function is poor and edema is obvious, the sodium intake should be limited, and the daily intake should be less than 5g.
In short, patients with atrial fibrillation must pay attention in their daily lives. If a few healthy people have paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, they can generally recover on their own, while most patients are caused by organic heart disease, so we must pay attention to our emotions and maintain a good attitude.