Ceng Zi's wife went to the market, and her son cried to follow. His mother said to him, "Go home first, and I'll come back later to kill the pig for you." As soon as he came back from the market, Ceng Zi wanted to catch a pig and kill it. She stopped saying, "It's just a joke with the children." Ceng Zi said, "Wife, you can't joke with him! Children have no ability to think and judge, so they should learn from their parents and follow their correct instructions. Now you lie to him, you are teaching your child to cheat! When the mother cheated her son, the son no longer trusted her. This is not the method of realistic education. " So Ceng Zi killed the pig, cooked the meat and gave it to the children.
The story of "Ceng Zi Killing Pigs" is popular and profoundly clarified that once parents make a promise, they must keep it. Ceng Zi used his own actions to teach children to keep promises and be honest with others.