Instructional design is an idea and scheme to arrange the teaching elements in an orderly way and determine the appropriate teaching scheme according to the requirements of curriculum standards and the characteristics of teaching objects.
Instructional design has the following characteristics:
⑴ Teaching design is a plan to transform teaching principles into teaching materials and teaching activities. Teaching design should follow the basic laws of teaching process, choose teaching objectives and solve the problem of what to teach.
⑵ Teaching design is a planned decision-making activity to achieve teaching objectives. In the form of planning and layout, teaching design makes creative decisions on how to achieve teaching objectives in order to solve the problem of how to teach.
⑶ Instructional design is guided by systematic methods. The teaching design regards the teaching elements as a system, analyzes the teaching problems and needs, establishes the program outline of the solution and optimizes the teaching effect.
⑷ Instructional design is a technical process to improve learners' efficiency and interest in acquiring knowledge and skills. Teaching design is an integral part of educational technology, and its function is to design the teaching process in a systematic way to make it an operable process.