American "educational trend" technology trend
Aacej (Educational Technology Review), American Educational Technology Review.
American Journal of Technology and Teacher Education
American International Journal of E-learning and Digital Learning
American computer journal of mathematics and science teaching.
American Journal of Interactive Learning Research
American Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
The application of information technology in American children's education.
Research on European Distance Open Education? Europeans? Diary? Yes? Open? And then what? Distance? knowledge
American International Journal of Educational Technology (IJET)
American Journal of Educational Technology and Society &; society
Distance education journal USA.
American language learning and technology. technology
Turkish online journal of distance education.
Turkish educational technology online Turkish educational technology online magazine
Australian journal of educational technology.
Canadian journal of learning and technology
Advanced learning technology in Canada.
British journal of educational technology
British technology, pedagogy and education
Open learning in Britain
Public practice in Norway
Distance education journal, Malaysia.
Australian continuing education research
Indian journal of open learning