North Vocational and Technical School offers specialties such as Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage, nursing, stomatology, medical examination, rehabilitation, drug management, preschool education, high-speed railway passenger service, urban rail transit operation management, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. The school is characterized by medical and nursing majors, supported by science and engineering majors and economic management majors, and forms a development pattern focusing on the development of higher vocational education, supplemented by continuing education in secondary schools and junior colleges.
Tianjin North Vocational School, located in the core area of Guangang in Tianjin Binhai New Area, is a full-time boarding secondary vocational school. The school is located in the southeast of Tianjin, near the Bohai Sea, in the center of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu triangle and the Bohai Economic Belt, and close to the toll station of Binhai West Outer Ring Expressway, with convenient transportation. It is adjacent to Guangang Forest Park in the east, with elegant environment and beautiful scenery. It is an ideal garden for study and research.