The development of higher education includes three stages: elite higher education stage, mass higher education stage and mass higher education stage.
Elite higher education stage: provide learning opportunities for school-age youth below 15%.
Popular higher education stage: it can provide learning opportunities for 15% of school-age youth and begin to change from elite higher education stage to popular higher education stage.
The popularization stage of higher education: it can provide learning opportunities for 50% of the school-age youth, and higher education begins to move towards the popularization stage rapidly.
Six basic principles for the future development of higher education;
1, inclusive, fair and pluralistic, the theme is "fairness", and fairness is the first principle.
2. Academic freedom and participation of all stakeholders, with the theme of "stakeholders". All stakeholders include not only teachers, students and administrators within the university, but also society, government, enterprises, employers and employers.
3. Cultivate inquiry, critical thinking and creativity. The key word is "creativity", that is, the quality standard of higher education has changed from "I can do what I can" to "I dare to innovate".
4. Honesty and morality, the key word is "virtue", that is, students should not only become talents but also become adults.
5. Commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility, the key word is "social responsibility", that is, the small logic of higher education development should obey the big logic of serving social and economic development.
6. To achieve Excellence through cooperation rather than competition, the key word is "cooperation". This is the need of the future social development and the development of higher education, and it is necessary to achieve Excellence through cooperation.