The Standard Model and Characteristic Color of Tongtu Primary School
The school has 27 classes, 1 149 students and 69 faculty members. Since its establishment nine years ago, under the leadership of the District Education Committee, with the care and support of parents and the hard work of all the teaching staff, the school is unique in comprehensive practice, football and reading guidance. Comprehensive practical activity teaching has formed a teaching system which integrates six parts: ceramic production, housework, manual production, simple production labor and scientific and technological production. Guided reading teaching aims at "health, need and suitability", learning reading methods of famous books, learning to write reading notes, developing reading activities of ancient poems, and broadening students' knowledge. In teaching, we should establish the educational concept of "people-oriented", let students learn to work, live, think and create from an early age, and at the same time play the role of "self-cultivation, intelligence, physical fitness and beauty" in the discipline, thus promoting the all-round development of students. Students have made their mark in various competitions in provinces and cities. The quality of school education is improving year by year.