Education is not only influenced and restricted by politics, but also actively affects the development of politics and plays a huge political function. The political function of education is mainly manifested in maintaining social and political stability and promoting social and political change.
Education is divided into broad sense and narrow sense.
Education in a broad sense refers to all social practice activities that purposefully affect people's physical and mental development. Education in a narrow sense refers to specially organized education, that is, school education, which includes not only full-time school education, but also half-time and amateur school education, correspondence education, publishing education, radio schools and television schools.
According to the reality and future needs of a certain society, it is an activity to guide the educated to acquire knowledge and skills, cultivate ideological morality, develop intelligence and physical strength, follow the law of physical and mental development of the younger generation, train the educated to adapt to the needs of a certain society (or class) and promote social development.
The Restrictive Effect of Politics on Education
1, political system restricts educational leadership.
The history of human society shows that political rulers are also educational rulers, and the ruling class always holds the leadership of education by virtue of their political and economic rights. On the one hand, they promulgated laws and policies through state power and mastered the leadership of education; On the other hand, they use economic power to master educational leadership; In addition, the ruling class also edited textbooks under the guidance of its ruling ideology to ensure its ideological dominance.
2. Politics restricts the right and opportunity to receive education.
The political system of a certain society not only determines who holds the leadership and which class, but also determines who will share all kinds of rights and opportunities. The enjoyment of the right to education is like this. Who has the right to receive school education and who does not have the right to receive school education is determined by the social and political system. Exploitation has been eliminated in socialist society, working people are masters of their own affairs and everyone enjoys the right to education. However, only on the basis of the high development of social productive forces can everyone enjoy equal educational rights.