Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian belong to the Romanesque family, which is one of the six official languages of the United Nations, and its population is second only to Chinese and English. In America, besides English, Spanish is also widely used. Spanish is widely used in several states in the southern United States. There are many native speakers of Spanish in the United States, and Spanish is widely used in new york, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California (in New Mexico, Spanish and English are both official languages).
Spanish is a phonetic symbol, and the relationship between each letter and the phoneme it represents is relatively fixed and regular. There are 24 phonemes. Phoneme is the smallest phonetic unit to distinguish word meanings.
Phones can be divided into vowels and consonants according to the characteristics of airflow passing through the vocal organs. Vowels are those in which the vocal cords vibrate and the air flow is smooth. Spanish has five vowels, and the airflow is blocked by consonants in one way or another.
Spanish has 22 consonants and two binary consonants, and there are 24 consonant groups. Spanish generally does not use KK phonetic symbols and international phonetic symbols to record sounds, but uses natural pronunciation to spell words. There are few visual words like English.
The basic pronunciation of each letter is as follows: A a [a] When you pronounce it, your mouth is half open and your tongue is flat on the bottom of your mouth. B b [b] When pronouncing, the lips are closed, the airflow is generate, and the vocal cords vibrate. The tongue of C c [k] is closed with a soft jaw, and the airflow breaks through the obstacle and generate comes out. The vocal cords don't vibrate.