Characteristics of world education after the 20th century;
1. Lifelong education: Denying that one's life is divided into learning stage and post-learning stage. Lifelong education means that a person's life should be a process of continuous learning, which is always associated with receiving education. The proposer Paul lengrand is known as the father of lifelong education. As the saying goes, it is never too old to learn.
2. Universal education: everyone receives education, especially school-age children who enter primary schools, and all young adults can read.
3. Democratization of education: Denying the hierarchy, privilege and autocracy of education.
4. Diversification of education: the denial of educational oneness and oneness is the diversification of training objectives, school-running forms, management models, teaching contents and evaluation standards.
5. Modernization of educational technology: the application of modern science and technology in educational technology, including the modernization of educational equipment, educational means and methods, and the resulting changes in educational ideas and concepts.