General purpose of education
The general purpose of education is the most fundamental quality standard, which represents the overall requirements for the educated. It is the highest level of educational purpose and the basis of training objectives of schools at all levels.
Training objectives of schools of all levels and types
The training objectives of various schools at all levels are more specific, and vary according to the level, nature and talent specifications of the school. They are the concrete embodiment of the general purpose of education.
Planned goal
The curriculum goal is the concretization of the training goal. Through the setting of various teaching subjects, the requirements or standards for students are clarified. It is the concrete embodiment of educational purpose.
Teaching objectives
Teaching goal is the effect that teachers expect to achieve after completing teaching work at a certain stage. The goal of this level is the actual embodiment of the curriculum goal in the teaching process, and its realization is a solid guarantee to realize the overall goal of education.
Development requirements of physical and mental quality
The content structure of educational purpose mainly covers two parts: one is about the development requirements of the physical and mental quality of the educated, including the growth of knowledge, intelligence, morality, aesthetics and physique. The development of physical and mental quality is the core of the content structure of the whole educational purpose.
Social Value Orientation of Educated People
Another part of the content structure of educational purpose is about the social value orientation of the educated, that is, to cultivate talents who meet the needs of a specific society or serve the interests of a specific class.
The organic whole of educational purpose
The educational purposes at all levels are closely linked to form an organic whole. From educational goal to teaching goal, it is the transformation from abstract to concrete, and the latter is the concrete embodiment of the former. Tracing back from the teaching goal to the educational goal reflects the connection between concrete and abstract, and the educational goal at the upper level provides direction and basis for the next level, which plays a guiding and restricting role.