After school, Tao Xingzhi came to the principal's office, and Wang You was already waiting at the door to be criticized. Tao Xingzhi immediately took out a piece of candy and gave it to him: "This is for you, because you came on time, but I was late."
When Wang You took the candy in surprise, Tao Xingzhi took out another piece of candy and put it in his hand: "This is also a prize for you, because I told you to stop hitting people, and you immediately stopped hitting them, which shows that you respect me very much."
Wang You is puzzled. Tao Xingzhi took out the third piece of candy and said, "I have investigated it. You beat them because they bullied their female classmates. This shows that you are honest and have the courage to fight the bad guys! "
Wang You was moved to tears. He said regretfully, "President Tao, hit me twice. I was wrong. I didn't hit the bad guys, but my classmates! "
Tao Xingzhi smiled with satisfaction. He immediately took out the fourth piece of candy and handed it to him: "I'll give you another piece of candy, because you have correctly realized your mistake ... My candy award is over, and I think our conversation should be over!"
In the face of Wang You's mistakes, Tao Xingzhi didn't criticize or beat and scold. Instead, we found the advantages of students' honesty and trustworthiness, respect for teachers, honesty and courage to admit mistakes from different angles, and praised them in time. Tao Xingzhi awakens students' conscience with appreciation, and makes them admit their mistakes and receive education, thus producing a desire to correct their mistakes and improve themselves in their hearts.
I believe that Mr. Tao Xingzhi's story will give some useful enlightenment to parents. In real life, it is not difficult to find children's mistakes. The difficult thing is to find the advantages of children from mistakes, design the educational scene of love with appreciation attitude and language, and complete the education of "moistening things silently" in children's appreciation.