No matter which set of English learning materials is suitable for children, it is the most important. If you don't know how to tutor your children, here is a reliable organization to share with you: free collection, one-on-one excellent courses for foreign teachers, click free to receive one-on-one audition courses for foreign teachers, and then you can know whether it is suitable for children to learn.
In acaso, all foreign teachers have tesol certificates, and we can also see relevant academic information in official website. One class is 25 minutes, one day 1 class, and the high-frequency learning mode ensures the effect. The price is cheap, and I can't even go to 20 yuan for class. Children can study one-on-one with foreign teachers every day, which is suitable for long-term study.
If you don't know how to choose an English institution, you can consult "acaso vivi teacher" in Baidu.
If you want to download free English resources, you can search "acaso official website Forum" in Baidu.