Incomplete enrollment in colleges and universities encourages only on-the-job personnel in principle, and it is not recommended that those who have never worked fail the exam. If you have found a very good job, but the promotion of rank must depend on the promotion of academic qualifications or the hard conditions of academic qualifications, then you can really consider part-time graduate students.
The Ministry of Education has made it clear in the "Regulations on Enrollment Management" that part-time students are only allowed to apply for part-time jobs, that is, candidates choose targeted employment at the time of registration and sign a targeted employment agreement with the school at the time of enrollment. By default, only people who already have jobs can apply for part-time jobs.
Ordinary undergraduate graduates who want to apply for part-time jobs also need to sign a targeted employment agreement, otherwise they are not eligible to take the exam.
If the undergraduate course is not very good (in terms of employment, can you find a good job), and there is a special elite school complex, such as 985,211,which one is first-class or particularly like, and graduate school is a dream realization and willing to bear the inconvenience caused by incompleteness, then these people are suitable. If the economy is not burdened, they can study full-time.
Requirements for part-time graduate students:
1, education requirements: part-time graduate students must have corresponding bachelor's or master's degrees when applying for the exam, and graduate students can also apply for the exam.
2. Work experience requirements: Generally speaking, part-time graduate students require at least two years of normal work experience, especially doctoral students.
3. Good health: the applicant should meet the national health standards and have no infectious diseases and other diseases that are not suitable for postgraduate courses.
4. Academic qualifications: Part-time graduate students also have very strict academic qualifications, high requirements for knowledge, ability and innovative thinking, and a strong practical foundation.
5. English proficiency: If you apply for part-time graduate students in universities directly under the Ministry of Education, you generally need to meet certain English proficiency standards, such as passing CET-4 or above.